Is email one of the channels you use to reach potential customers?

Rupal Saini
36 replies
If so, is it working for you?


Elaine Lu
Absolutely, email is a key channel for us. It allows us to directly engage with potential customers and provide personalized content.
Rupal Saini
@elaineluyi How's the performance of your campaigns? Are you using templates or personalized messaging for each recipient?
Someone doesn’t like receiving too much email.
Rupal Saini
@icodeforbeer I agree. I do have an inbox full of unread emails, but if I find the subject line relatable, I open those emails. If I find the message useful, I also reply.
Arthur Leclercq
Yes we are, not the best channel, but it still works a bit
Rupal Saini
@arthur_leclercq Yes, email is crowded and there's a lot of competition. But, a clear, direct message with a good subject line still grabs attention.
Fraser B
Cold email is one of my favourite channels. It’s easy to stand out when you actually do it correctly. Fortunately for us, many people think a personalised first name and pasted copy isn’t spam. We only target people who are a fit for our product. Each person has a custom landing page that is super personalised to them.
Gillian Laging
@fraser_b Tell me more about your custom landing page? Is it segmented by persona, or hyper personal? What sort of scale are you doing?
Rupal Saini
@fraser_b That's great! I see many people complaining about this channel not working well for them. Can you share some advice on how to stand out in a prospect's inbox? Also, do you include the personalized landing page in the first message, or is it sent in a follow-up?
Fraser B
@gillian_laging Each campaign is segmented to a localised niche e.g electrician in London. The email and landing page are personalised with data got through data enrichment and gpt4. Each landing page sits on its own subdomain on our site e.g As well as personalisation on the landing page there is a custom video in the hero section that is generated specifically for them. We were sending 30,000 emails per month but currently scaled down to 15,000 while we recruit more people to service new clients.
Fraser B
@rupal_saini Hey Rupal I just posted another reply that gives more info about how I do it. Firstly you need to get into the inbox. Make sure you have warmed you account up for at least 4-6 weeks. We err on the side of caution and only have one email account per domain and send 25 outreach emails per domain. We still keep sending 30 warmup emails per day to help keep domain health. I include the link on the first email and only send one follow up. How our data is enriched, we know they are a great fit. If they simple aren’t interested we don’t want to annoy them and for them to report us. For products/services that don’t offer an instant purchase I would suggest not including a link and offering some value for free.
Alexandra Goss
It may work but I stand against brute-force mass emailing/DMing But, if done smart and prsonalised enough, cold emails may work
Rupal Saini
@alex_skazka I hear you! Quality > quantity. I believe targeting just 50 leads with well-crafted, personalized messages can yield better results than blasting 500 generic emails.
Alexandra Goss
@rupal_saini 100%! It's all about the potential conversion rate, not send rate 😉
Hakim Zerhouni
No, I use email to reach potential customers.
My3 Murthy
Not today- our product isn't ready for us to time for additional channels. But I have done email marketing at my previous jobs
Rupal Saini
@my3_murthy Okay, so which channels are you focusing on right now?
Cold emailing is still a thing, yes.
Rupal Saini
@vaibhavdwivedi Yeah, how are your email campaigns working? Are they yielding good results?
@rupal_saini Some of them did work, yes. I am still experimenting!
Launching soon!
We send cold emails, It works well if the content is clear and crisp
Rupal Saini
@jerryton Absolutely. Clear, direct, and short emails work well today, especially when personalized for each recipient. Do you use any frameworks for drafting your emails?
Launching soon!
@rupal_saini I use Perplexity to get to know them better before crafting the email. I make sure my copy is focused on them and how I can benefit their day-to-day work.
Steven Granata
Yes email marketing is one of the best thing to reach out to potential customers.
Rupal Saini
@steven_granata How's your campaign's performance? Do you use templates or personalize messages?
Aaron Hailey
Yeah, we use email to reach potential customers and it has been quite effective for us.
Rupal Saini
@khaleed_khel That's great! One question: Are you using templates or personalizing messages for each prospect you're sending, or is it based on ICPs?
Ill Robyn
It varies business to business.
Kristan Servidad
Yes all the time, we do this for our clients daily. Great way to get large, qualified, and ready-to-buy leads into your pipeline quickly. We'll run about 3-4 cold outbound email marketing campaigns to their ideal customer profiles -- some of our clients see 4 qualified enterprise deals per week. The key here is to have VERY specified messaging (i.e. waiting lists for a free trial, addressing common pain points they have, thought-provoking subject lines, etc...) AND target prospects who are already in the buying cycle.
Rupal Saini
@kristan_salessubs Do you use any intent tools for finding such prospects?
Kristan Servidad
@rupal_saini yes, Apollo has built-in intent topics to start off with. I'd also recommend Clay and Bombora. But using a tool is not the end all be all - you'll have to understand your ideal customers' triggers for buying within the market and create a workflow around it. An example of this for my company SalesSubs is if a small company is posting job openings for sales positions, we know they are growing their sales team and scaling -- which indicates their leadership team is looking for ways to create outbound prospecting channels. This is a perfect fit for what we do. We use Clay and LinkedIn Sales Nav to track this trigger.
Absolutely, email is a key channel we use to reach potential customers. As a company, we extensively leverage email marketing to generate leads and maintain strong communication with our existing customers. This approach allows us to deliver personalized and targeted messages, ensuring our audience stays informed and engaged with our offerings.
Rupal Saini
@ali_shaheen sounds good! How do you personalize messages? Do you use any specific tool for that?
@rupal_saini Personalization in email marketing is crucial for engaging recipients and driving conversions. Most of our emails are sent through GMass, which offers very easy personalization options.
I don’t like mass emailing or DMing, but personalized cold emails can really connect with potential customers.