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  • Is it a good time to launch on Product Hunt during the summer break in Europe?

    6 replies
    I’m planning to launch my product soon and was wondering if it’s a good idea to do so during the summer break in Europe. Does the timing affect the visibility and engagement for a new product? Should I wait until after the summer break, or does it not matter much? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!


    had the same feeling as the majority. will launch im september ☺️ If you don’t like to miss it : https://t.co/ozgvULKSgE
    Amit Arora
    The Action Tracker - Life Planner
    Why Not? Producthunt is a global community. Summer Breaks in Europe has nothing to do with launch on PH as people from different parts of the world are active throughout the year. If your product has a global audience, then nothing stops you.
    Salar Davari
    Depends on your target community and the product. If the majority of those you've prepared the product for are on holidays, then it's wise to wait till the summer break ends.
    Yung ruwala
    Launching during the summer break in Europe could be less effective because many people are away .
    Lanfranco Iwanaga
    I think launching during the summer might mean lower engagement since people are often on vacations.
    Abele Wickware
    From what I’ve seen, summer can be a quieter period for new launches due to vacations.