Is it best to build as many product as possible or focus on one product and ask customers?

Benjamin Sloutsky
8 replies


Zekiye Nur Kesici
Focus on one product, listen to customers, and iterate based on their feedback. Building too many products spreads your resources thin and hinders quality.
Benjamin Sloutsky
@zekiye_nur_kesici ah I see, how would you say is the best way to get customers?
It's often best to focus on one product and refine it based on customer feedback.
Benjamin Sloutsky
@michael_baumgartner ah I see, what advice would you give to get customers?
Miko Markovic
In my opinion and experience it's better to just focus on one. Too many things at the same time can be distracting.
Marvin Mändle
I would say focus on one product with perhaps different features. It's not just about a product itself in my opinion, it's also about passion and identifying with the product.