Is it better to raise pre-seed capital pre or post revenue?

Matty Reed
4 replies
Traditional advice says it's better to raise capital post-revenue, but there is an argument to be made that a pre-seed round is more about the story and the team, and revenue actually gives investors something concrete to compare to other more established companies. As Russ Hanneman (douchey investor in the show Silicon Valley) says, "If you show revenue, people will ask 'how much?' and it will never be enough. But if you have no revenue, you're a potential pure play."


CY Zhou
Raising pre-seed capital pre-revenue can provide you with the runway to develop your product without immediate financial pressures, but having post-revenue traction can significantly de-risk your startup for investors. Ultimately, it depends on your current stage and the strength of your business plan.
Matty Reed
@lightfield yes it feels like a bit of a "chicken and egg" situation. We need the capital most before we have revenue, but the capital is easiest to obtain once we have revenue. Raising a pre-seed on just an idea very difficult. Whatever traction we have is only a proxy for actual paying users If we have significant revenue growth, we don't really need outside investment, but it will be MUCH easier to get. Best case scenario seems to be finding an angel that believes in our mission and is willing to gamble on us.
Ghost Kitty
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