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  • Is LinkedIn boosting your networking or just filling your feed? šŸ“ˆ šŸ¤”

    Bilal Asif
    7 replies
    LinkedIn has really evolved over the past few years, and Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s becoming a go-to for more than just job hunting. How has LinkedInā€™s growth impacted your networking habits? Personally, Iā€™ve found itā€™s opened up some great opportunities, but Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts! Are you finding it easier to connect with people, or do you think itā€™s getting a bit overwhelming? Share your experience.


    Udaya Sri
    I used to find LinkedIn really overwhelming and avoided it. Recently, Iā€™ve started taking it easy and just scrolling through the feed without letting it bother me. Itā€™s not great, but itā€™s not bad either.
    Azza Shahid
    Yes posting and being active on Linkedin has helped in boosting my network.
    Marina Đurić
    Definitely for networking, I got connected with some of the very interesting and knowledgeable people on LinkedIn.
    Shiva Tejasvi
    For me, it's both, but on the bright side, it's actually expanding my network of connections.
    Laeequa Ahmad
    It obviously boosts networking when used the right tools and planning for engagement.