I honestly believe perseverance. If you have an idea and the will to pursue it, adapt it, modify it, change it, based on the feedback you are receiving or the market or your own growth, eventually, and it can take a loooooong time, eventually you'll make something out of it.
I do believe however that you have to a be quite delusional, and keep going even though you have many things telling you to stop.
Talent only makes that time you persevere longer or shorter. But then again, what is talent in that context...
I'm launching today btw, persevering as much as I can, would love your support Pablo!
I think perseverance also. I had seen so many talented people who quit just because things did not get the way they wanted. I had seen so many dumb people getting tons of money doing dumb stuff that normal people would not take. so yeah perseverance /consistency over TALENT.
Success of a startup is like a tennis match - talent serves you well, but it's perseverance that wins the game. So, keep swinging that racket of determination while acing those business strategies!