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  • Is your branding pushing people away?

    Founders/executives ā€“ chances are, you're the anchor holding your business back. You're the bottleneck. You think it's all about you. But it's not. Save for the situation in which you're a narcissistic dementor; you want people to identify with your brand, not admire it and worship you. You must catch what the other person understands, not what you say. If you're stuck in your own perspective, your branding likely is too. Take a breather and ask yourself: Are you communicating what you think or what your audience needs to hear? Your brand needs to speak to them, not just reflect you. šŸŸ” Like this? Repost it to your network; your followers are gonna love it! The algo's an enigma; you probably won't see this account again, so don't forget to follow me @ Adrian M. Peticila šŸŸ” for daily branding lore.


    Emily Grace Thompson
    I think it's all about finding the sweet spot between having a distinct brand identity that resonates with your target audience vs. trying too hard to appeal to everyone and losing what makes you unique. Stay true to your core values and mission, and the right people will vibe with your brand naturally. Constantly A/B test your messaging and visuals to figure out what hits home with your ideal customers.
    Ethan Cole Blackwood
    Definitely a tricky balance with branding. Gotta stay true to yourself but also think about who you really want to attract vs push away. Like with SEO -- optimize for the right keywords to bring in your ideal audience, not just cast a wide net. Focus on connecting authentically with your people.
    Adrian M. Peticila šŸŸ”
    @ethancoleblackwood - a fine act of tight rope walking, indeed. Not an easy task, but by no means impossible. The the more you work on it, the better you'll get