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  • Is Your SaaS Ticketing System a Development Nightmare? I Built a Fix

    Daniel Alamezie
    0 replies
    Hello, Product Hunters! Ever felt like managing support tickets is pulling you away from actual development in your SaaS? You're not alone. It's like being stuck in quicksand, right? # 🔨 The Developer's Dilemma: We've all been there—toggling between developing the next big thing and sinking hours into ticket management. It's a silent time-gobbler. # 👨‍💻 The Lightbulb Moment: That's why I built Tickety - a ticket management system that seamlessly blends into your development workflow without the extra hassle. It's not just another tool; it's the bridge between support and dev work. # 🚀 Join the Conversation: How do you currently manage customer issues? If there was a solution that made this easier, freeing you up to focus on building, not managing, would you bite? I'm looking for fellow devs to discuss the real-world impact of streamlined ticketing. Let's chat about the good, the bad, and the ugly of SaaS support - and how we can turn it all around. Excited to hear your thoughts! Cheers Daniel Alamezie
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