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  • Keep all your meetings next to each other

    Gabriel Xará
    25 replies
    I have been constantly frustrated regarding my coding performance. Things started to change after I did some effort to relocate all of my job meetings. By keeping all of my meetings in a time block I have won in two aspects ; - I force myself to be sharp and pay more attention to accomplish the meeting quickly - I clear half of my day to code without interruptions. With this increased focus the results have been awesome


    Phoebe Marshall
    I have noticed that batching all my meetings together helps me stay more productive. I can focus on coding without constant interruptions.
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @phoebe_marshall Unlocks time for coding while listening to music without being interrupted :)
    Kat Pim
    I recently started doing this, and it’s incredible how much smoother my day goes. No more constant context switching between meetings and work tasks!
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @kat_pim I wish I have tried this before
    Parker Oliver
    This strategy is a helpful. By grouping my meetings, I get to fully focus on coding afterward, and the quality of my work has improved significantly.
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @parker_oliver You said it all! Without interruptions, the focus is intensified, and so does the quality of the tasks.
    Nathan Luke
    I completely agree! Keeping meetings close together not only help with concentration but also makes the rest of the day feel more orgnized and productive.
    Martin Gulp
    For me, clustering meetings into one part of the day has improved my workflow significantly. it reduces the mental load and lets me dive into tasks without constant interruptions.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @martin_gulp That's a good strategy. Thanks for sharing. :)
    Lia thomas
    Blocking off all meetings in one time slot has made my days much more efficient. It’s amazing how much more I get donewith fewer disruptions
    Ramsey Bolton
    I tried keeping all my meetings next to each other and found it really effective. It gives me a big chunk of time to focus on coding without constant breaks.
    I've done the same, and it's made a huge difference in my workflow. Having a clear schedule with meetings grouped together helps me stay in the zone for longer periods
    Mae Twyman
    This approach has definitely worked for me too! By batching meetings, I’ve been able to keep my afternoons free for deep work, which has seriously boosted my effeciency
    Allen Deck
    Organizing my meetings in a block has been awesome for me. I find that I can focus better on my tsk when I’m not constantly shifting between metting nd work
    Daisy Rosy
    I've started grouping all my meetings together, and it's made a huge difference. It clears up chunks of uninterrupted time for deep work and bossts my productivity
    Luther Westover
    Keeping meetings in one block rather than scattered throughout the day has really helped me manage my time better. It’s great to have a clear focus period for important task's
    Maximo Hartliness
    That’s a great approach! I’m curious, do you use any specific tools or methods to organize your meetings into these blocks, or is it more of a manual process for you?
    George Rosevear
    While I see the benefits of time-blocking, I wonder if it might make meetings feel rushed or less engaging. Have you tried any strategies to keep meetings more interactive within the time block?
    Akute Mauton
    I find blocking time for meetings really helps me stay focused and productivity too!
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @akute_mauton Great! Let me know if you have any other productivity tip
    Lazar J
    I found that grouping all my meetings together really helped me stay focused on coding the rest of the day. It’s made a big difference.
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @lazar_j1 For me it was definitely a game changer
    Rock Turner
    Keeping meetings together helps me stay on track and not get distracted. It’s a simple change that has boosted my productivity.
    Ronald Young
    Nice idea! I've found batching meetings helps my productivity too. To manage overruns, I block 15 min buffers between meetings. Worst case an overrun eats into the next meeting's buffer vs. my focus time. I also have a hard stop and politely end meetings that hit the scheduled end time.
    Rowan Maxwell Everett
    Absolutely, I do the same! Consolidating meetings saves so much mental energy. No more jumping back and forth between focused work and discussions. Another tip - leave buffer time before and after meeting blocks to review notes and prep. Game changer for productivity and keeping a sane schedule!