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  • Landing page feedback needed πŸ‘€

    Sveta Bay
    30 replies
    Hey Product Hunters 🧑 Recently I've made some changes to MakerBox homepage. Since then, the conversion improved gradually. But it may also be the influence of the recent holidays. I don't want to double-guess, so I'm asking for feedback πŸ‘€ Would love to know: 1. What did you like about the landing page? 2. What you didn't like about the landing page? 3. What unanswered questions about the product do you still have? Landing page: https://www.makerbox.club/


    Chris Sarca
    I would suggest getting rid of the scrolling reviews, not only that they made me dizzy, but they're not that important to be placed on the hero section, especially if you can't read them properly. The highlighted words just look weird and make the whole composition look way too busy and the text hard to read, if it weren't for this discussion I wouldn't have stayed more than 2 seconds on that page. The contrast and spacing are a bit off, making everything hard to digest for no reason other than to make the page look like it has more content.
    Rowe Morehouse
    @chris_sarca Agree. My eye totally skipped those; way too much information up front.
    Jay shankarpure
    Hey Sveta , Nice work , here are my some suggestions for the landing page - 1. Keep the text - "Profitable" and "One-Person" only in red highlight , the whole sentence isn't needed . 2. Remove the "So" from "So you can build" , so kind off doesn't give that much confidence as what "You can build"gives . Thanks
    Gaurav Bhawnani
    Hey Sveta Great job with the landing page. Spent a few seconds on it and this is what I think. Things I like - The weights for text have a great hierarchy that's making key things clearly stand out. Social proof is also great and well distributed across the page My thoughts on what could be better - The entire text "so you can build a profitable one person business with clarity" seems to a bit long. The way I would go about it is to question which is the biggest value prop and focus on that - is it profitability? or clarity? (excluding the single person bit here coz I think you're specifically targeting solo founders) The doubt / question I had was - Are landing page roast and marketing audit the two services you provide or is there more
    Tej Garikapati
    Hey Sveta, Here's a few things I would change. 1. Highlighting - Try and highlight just a single word, highlighting 3 to 4 words makes it harder to read. 2. You have reviews from major people in this industry, leverage that. You can push down the scrolling reviews and put the testimonials barsee, modest mitkus in that place. 'Review/Testimonial by a notable figure before the first scroll' 3. Include a faq section in the end, after the faw section, you can include a founders letter, below that another cta. Maybe try collecting emails by giving them a small freebie in return for giving their emails. All the bestπŸ‘
    Nikhil Rangpariya
    I must commend the exceptional design of the 'Featured in' section, it looks very impressive and aesthetically pleasing. Great work.!!
    Abrar Sami
    1. Love the product messaging 2. The three testimonials by Barsee, Easlo, and Modest Mitkus would look good in a grid, not a list 3. It is pretty clear, I don't think I have any unanswered questions
    Bjarn Bronsveld
    Looks amazing! I would personally make the hero text a bit shorter, or at least less highlighted like the others said. Overall looking neat :)
    Matthias Strafinger
    Congrats on your LP. CTA is not ATF --> I would change that. Make your CTA stand more out (color black is also not optimal, if you use black as headline color) Use a CTA (smart bar) on your navbar Instead of there is a better way, just use the arrow (make it white --> higher contrast)
    Rowe Morehouse
    @matthias_strafinger Agree, buttons are weak and boring looking, and button text it boring too.
    Igor Pavlov
    Why are co-founders needed on the webpage, are you trying to look more person-oriented boutique? If yes - good job! The running badges, honestly, make me dizzy, I could not read them and it distracted me from the main message on the page. The rest looks nice and clean to me.
    Rowe Morehouse
    @igorpavlov I actually like that. I would just ad text above the two images that says "Your Hosts" Your Hosts [image] [image] Sveta Bay Dan Kulvov remove co-founder. I don't care if you are co-founder. "Your Hosts" sounds cool, and your avatar pics look nice and friendly.
    Igor Pavlov
    @rowemore I agree. Working with real people is a sort of exclusivity in the modern world and I believe would be appreciated by a lot of customers.
    Alex Daniel
    Nice, I would rather make the text itself red instead of the background highlight since it's actually distracting and opposing the purpose to make it highlighted!
    Hey there, these are some observations I've made. I must say that I adore the concept and am incredibly intrigued despite not having used the product. I wish it was around when I was a soloprenuer, actually I might just try it now too. :-) What I like Informs at the get go what you are solving A clear explanation of how to work with the app is super Adding a preview of an idea, brilliant! What I didn't like Too long a scroll Too many reviews - All good, but just a lot and am wondering if its taking people away from actually exploring more - Builds curiosity but also Slightly overwhelming Unanswered questions Pricing?
    Hossein Yazdi
    In my opinion, the headline is way too big. I understand that the headline size needs to be large, however, I think this size is looking so unordinary.
    Rowe Morehouse
    Lead with more clarity. "So you can build a profitable one-person business with clarity." . and "Marketing for Solopreneurs made simple" Does not tell me what the product does, or give me a clue as to any benefit. All those graphics under "Let’s make your business profitable this year" are busy & blurry. No idea what they mean. Tiny tiny "Learn more" links ... learn more what? This stuff should be huge, not tiny: "Actionable video course to make your sales offer unignorable." "650 products with generous Free plans for Makers in 2023." "50 mental models to bring you marketing clarity." ... and put it above the fold. It's OK to repeat it again lower, but make those BIG. Way too many buttons ... landers are supposed to be a cattle trough that leads the user to one action. I would not say this is a landing page at all. "Take your marketing to the next level" -- meaningless phrase, lazy copywriting. I still don't know what you are selling / what the product is. REAL TALK: not a good lander. Sorry! :)
    Hey Sveta, It's a bit hard to understand what you're suggesting. Everywhere on the main page is a button "Learn more β†’". Why don't you make a "Get Your Workbook" button? I want get the product without an extra click. As the saying goes "Shut up and take my money" :-)
    Ruben SanromΓ‘n
    1. The force of the message at first glance, clean design focused on typography. 2. Found the animated testimonials a bit annoying, at the beginning i was not sure if they were testimonials or what. 3. In the testimonials, personally i need numbers instead of praises, i want to know exactly how much solopreneurs' profits increased thanks to makerbox
    Penny Hartley
    1. I love the infinite scroll and the little cute stylistic add-ons, for example the text around the "mess" word. It's very memorable. The amount of explanations make it easy to understand. 2. The landing page looks a bit disorganized to me, too much text. Especially when scrolling, too much of the text is overwhelming to focus on, this is also emphasized by the fact that the images and text both are bold. I think you would profit from less information because right now there is too much going on. I find the color scheme is clashing a little and it doesn't harmonize the front page. Because of your two profile pictures (one is orangey pink and the other is purple) and then the MakerBox color which is magenta. I'd maybe suggest to take the orange out of the one profile picture and then a brighter pink and purple make the MakerBox magenta color). Later on you also introduce a green so I think it could be streamlined better
    Igor Lysenko
    Hey, there's too much movement here and it's confusing. In the end, it is advisable not to post reviews on half a page. And so the base itself is made cool.
    Looks great. I liked how easy it was to navigate around the website, and I found all of the information on the landing page very helpful. The only thing that could be improved is if there were more examples or visuals so potential customers can get a better idea what they are buying.
    Sveta Bay
    @sewell_stephens thanks for a good example of expressing anger rather than giving feedback :)
    Surya Pratap Singh Shekhawat
    looks good, additionally if the first page could give an action item just to acquire 1-10 users for solopreneurs my understanding.