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  • Less screens + more nature = happier, healthier humans. Ya with me?

    Milly T
    3 replies
    Yes, I know that PH is pretty geared toward tech which means everyone is probably spending a hefty amount of time on a screen (honestly, myself included!). But I also know that PH is full of inspiring, brilliant creators. So I'm taking a punt, and putting this out to the community. I'm in the early stages of validating an idea which connects people with sustainable, local, unique outdoor experiences. Where being outdoors, being offline, learning new skills and prioritising our physical and mental health is the goal. Keen to get involved? Awesome! 1- Take 3 minutes to answer this survey: https://bit.ly/3f4dFDs (the results so far have been super interesting, really showcasing the deep problem that this product would solve). 2- Comment below to share with your networks, especially anyone who is in the outdoor experience, sustainable travel or mental health space. The one-pager is here for anyone who might be interested in diving deeper with me. I'm not precious, poke holes as you see fit. https://www.notion.so/Rooutes-Vol-1-ff6004820f25470e94128799583ab738 Thanks so much! ☺️ Milly P.S I'm more than happy to return the favour with any feedback you might be after, just reach out!


    Edward G
    I'm a big supporter of breaking away from the screen and spending more time in nature for mental health. I wonder how does this differ from Meetup?
    Milly T
    Hey Edward! As am I. The results from the initial survey (almost at 100 responses) are pretty shocking. A huge majority of people are spending 9+ hours a day on a screen and have shared some really insightful (albeit sad) insights into the affect this has on their mental and physical health. It's clear there's a problem, and I think a solution is getting to the 'urgent' stage. I envision this to be quite different to Meetup. Far more niche, focusing solely on outdoor experiences. As opposed to a 'one-off' Meet Up, I envision this to become a driver of forming a habit, and a love of the outdoors. I think that's where we'll really be able to make a difference.
    Edward G
    @milly_t This sounds interesting, I'd like to see where you take it. Have you thought of how you might promote recurrent usage? Membership fees might solve with recurrent usage and monetization.