Less than 100 days left to the end of 2023, what is your plan?

Sepideh Yazdi
12 replies


Shibbir Ahmad
helping 20 new clients with data driven digital marketing strategy!
my plan is going out of country with my family
establish a routine
Rose Linda
commit to celebrating the wins, no matter how small
Samar Ali
Launching soon!
launch my own product!
lots of things right now
Thomas Zhang
review my New Year resolution and figure out what I can do
Yavuz Tunc Emran
To make the most of the less than 100 days remaining in 2023, I'll strive to contribute positively to my surroundings.
Jake Harrison
Get 10000 followers on X!
Relja Denic
Launching a new business :D
To find and try as many cool new products as I can on Product Hunt!
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