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  • Less than a month away from the beta launch of my app. Can you share any tips or advice to prepare?

    Preparing to open a beta program for my app to gather user feedback, identify any issues that may exist, and allow others to use it freely for valuable information. Can you provide any pointers on successfully launching a beta test?


    Louis Garnier
    Taking an interest in other people's projects before your own. This will help identify mistakes and engage a community. Rely on strong branding! For example, on PH, the company logo plays an important role in the decision to upvote a product. This means that you need to prepare well in advance, and not simply launch your product when it's just working. Have a great launch 🚀
    Daniel Zaitzow
    It will depend on the size of the beta cohort but I'd suggest limiting survey questions to binary responses that you are willing to add to the roadmap. Its difficult to get a bunch of really insightful data that just isn't actionable given your already pre-determined direction. So let the data guide your users to a solution / direction that you've already narrowed down.
    Barada Sahu
    What is the objective of the launch? - getting valuable feedback - hitting a certain number of early adopters Define your success metrics and work the plan out for a launch based on those. Ensure you have instrumentation in place to understand how users are using and where they are dropping off. Make it easy for users to share qualitative Feedback.
    @barada_sahu Very good point. I would define my success metrics as a 70:30 valuable feedback to early adopter ratio. Glad you brought up the ease of sharing feedback, thanks!
    Solomon Bush
    I would add a session recording tool if you really want to see what people are doing. A good one I’ve heard of is HotJar
    Abhinay kumar
    I think should constantly work on improving the product. Release it your network or reachout to people in ICP asking them to try your product. Get early feedback improving on that. This will serve the main purpose of improving the product, additionally it will also help you spread out the word for your product!
    @abhinay_kumar8 Appreciate your input. I see you are launching soon. Wishing you a great launch.
    Sam Andrew
    WOW! I hope I can have my own app soon, but I have some problem about design.
    Adam Gold
    Grow your community: 1. Find where your target audience hangs out 2. Join communities of makers 3. Don't be shy and reach out to people 4. Collaborate with influencers 5. Create content online
    @adamgold7 thanks for the suggestions, appreciate it.
    Aim for a mix of tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy users. A diverse group can provide varied perspectives and uncover different issues. What do you think?
    @akanksha_hunts I agree 100% with you. Involving a diverse group of individuals will allow for tapping into a wider range of perspectives and insights. Thanks!
    Dude, congrats on getting so close to the beta launch of your app! That's seriously exciting. Okay, here's the deal – AiToolsKit.ai has got your back on this one. When it comes to prepping, nailing your app's description and marketing content is key. And guess what? This AI buddy is like the expert editor you need. It helps you craft descriptions that grab attention and suggest keywords that get your app noticed in searches. Plus, on the social media front, it's like having a trendsetter friend. It knows what's hot and helps you create posts that intrigue potential users. And let's talk marketing strategies – AiToolsKit.ai isn't just helpful; it's like having a marketing guru guiding you through strategies that'll make your app shine. So, if you're gearing up for the beta launch, this AI tool is your secret weapon. But hold on, there's more – AiToolsKit.ai isn't just about content; it's your project management ally too. It keeps your tasks organized, deadlines in check, and teams coordinated. It's like having a task-master on your side. So, as you're counting down to the big launch, know that AiToolsKit.ai has your back, from creating buzz-worthy content to making sure everything's on track. It's like having this digital buddy that's cheering you on and helping you bring your app to the world in style. Good luck, and may your beta launch be a smashing success!
    Good luck, David! We are also in the final phases. Let me know how we can support each other.
    @andriyuh Congratulations! Would love to help mutually support each other. If there is anything I can help with feel free to let me know.
    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    I'm obviously super biased but I'm building a tool that aims to help gathering feedback and it worked well for us during our beta. It's called AskMore.ai. Let me know if you want me to walk you through it! On top of that, I would always suggest to do some manual onboarding calls for your beta. You don't have to run hundreds of them but try to get a few of your first beta testers on a call before giving them access to your app. It helps a lot to observe how they're using your product, get their "gut reactions", etc. The last thing is that you should be super clear on why you want to have a beta. Why not just launching? Do you want to check that everything is working well? Do you want to get feedback on some particular parts of the app? Do you want to get some customer quotes to prepare your launch? That will help a lot defining how you should run the beta. Best of luck with that! Let me know if I can be of any help!