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  • Linkedin or Business card?

    Shalin Doshi
    73 replies
    During a recent conversation with a person, he stated to me that he uses Linkedin for networking and doesn't need a business card. Hence I was curious to find out how many people do the same? Note: My question to him on that statement was the following " When you are at a networking event and you meet someone you tend to make them add you on Linkedin? or just share your business cards? Also, how many of them are active on Linkedin is my second question" Please share your comments and views on the same.


    Davor Kolenc
    Aspen - API Testing for macOS
    Launching soon!
    If I have to choose, I would say LinkedIn, however, I usually use both. Plus, my founders are devs, so we have really cool business cards with a QR code. When you scan it, you immediately get all of my contacts, and I get all of yours :) Here's how it works in Treblle:
    Shalin Doshi
    @davor_kolenc This is what I was talking about. Try this app out https://dashlynk.com/ you can maintain all your cards in one place whom you network with. The key aspect here is simplicity and having the same style of business cards, One draw back I would like to state upfront is both the parties would require an app to connect. This allows you to streamline business cards all in one place and make it easy to find out details.
    Shalin Doshi
    @davor_kolenc Appreciate it. What are you into exactly?
    Davor Kolenc
    Aspen - API Testing for macOS
    Launching soon!
    @shalin_doshi Oh, I do Growth for Treblle. We are the next generation API management tool. :) We launched in December here and then we launched our iOS app version about a month ago :) https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Shalin Doshi
    @davor_kolenc we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey. Something you and your team would be interested in.
    Shalin Doshi
    @davor_kolenc Would be great if you can share your feedback on the same.
    Ivan Ralic
    Linkedin 100%. There is a feature in linkedin app for sharing and scanning QR codes. It's super effective and fast ๐Ÿ˜„ Also, there are a lot of startups currently trying to develop some kind of smart business cards, but I don't see the need. I was on a startup event with some investors, one of them invested in this kind of startup. She pulled the NFC card, and after failed attempt of one other investor to locate NFC options on his phone we all switched back to Linkedin QR codes ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
    Shalin Doshi
    @ralic Thank you for the insights, Let me ask you, since you are a serial Entrepreneur when you are at a networking event and you meet someone you tend to make them add you on Linkedin? or just share your business cards? Also, how many of them are active on Linkedin is my second question.
    Ivan Ralic
    @shalin_doshi yes I add everyone on linkedin, especially on networking events people tend to forget their business cards and I would rather send them message than an email. Even on a strictly business events for the last couple of years it's mostly only linkedin. From my experience people not being active on linkedin doesn't mean they are not reading messages. A lot of them use linkedin as a messaging tool. Even in business meetings, we all have business cards with us but the question is raised if we should connect over linkedin or share business cards. When it comes to business meeting in most cases you already have everyone's email in your inbox, and if there were emails exchanged you also have their phone number from their email signature. Everything I say is according to my experience mostly in Europe. Only time I've truly needed a business card with me was with 2 Japanese companies, but I think digital business card wont be accepted there nevertheless.
    Shalin Doshi
    @ralic Business meetings is different, when you have already cleared the stage 1 of getting to the know the person. But when you meet the person for the first time at an event or fair, I'm sure they wouldn't be having the time to stop - open linkedin - search you and then connect with you. If you have a business card NFC or normal just tap/share and move. Save time and network more. Digital business cards if implement right is the future. On an average traditional business have 50-200 employees medium and large organisations and all of them have business cards, imagine the cost printing it. In India depending on the style is around Rs 1000-1200 for a pack of 100-200 cards. I feel business cards is for when you meet the person 1 on 1, you can have their personal information in the first meeting, where as on Linkedin that might take some time and if not active might take alot of time
    Ivan Ralic
    @shalin_doshi mate I'm just telling you how it looks like from my perspective. It seams like you've missed the part, you do not need to search through linkedin, there is a QR code feature ๐Ÿ˜„ When it comes to business cards, I was a CTO form 2016 and have transitioned to a CEO position in 2019. I still do not have a CEO business card in 2022. And I've scaled my company to 6 different markets, 2 different continents. Wish you all the best mate ๐Ÿ˜„
    Vedran Rasic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @ralic "startups currently trying to develop some kind of smart business cards, but I don't see the need" โ€” interesting. We just got accepted into an acceleration with one of the startups developing smart biz cards. Can you elaborate on the "need"?
    Venla Kรคrkimaa
    Great question! I prefer LinkedIn since it's more interactive, has more features and you can find new job opportunities, if that's what you're after. I'm not the most active person on LinkedIn, but I still prefer it over something else.
    Shalin Doshi
    @venlakarkimaa you just answered by above question to @ralic. If you have networked with someone at an event and they want to reach out to you but can't because you aren't active on Linkedin because you just shared your Linkedin profile with them. Hence you need a Digital business cards.
    Vedran Rasic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @venlakarkimaa Venla I'd love to get your thoughts on producthunt.com/posts/leaddelta ๐Ÿ™Œ
    Shalin Doshi
    @venlakarkimaa @vedranrasic as discussed with you we have launched dashLynnk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey. This is mainly for 1v1 meetings.
    I think linkedIn has already taken over as the professional connection method as it provide much more accessibility than a traditional business card
    Shalin Doshi
    @shaikrish There is a difference between making your professional connection and networking with someone at an event, business cards are actually more personal compared to Linkedin profiles, 6/7-10 out of 10 people in traditional business have linkedin profiles but not active on it.
    Shalin Doshi
    @shaikrish Business cards are mainly when you meet people 1v1 specially in traditional business. Say for instance when you are visiting an exhibition, conferences and etc. Linkedin for professional connection agreed, but not for 1v1
    Shalin Doshi
    @shaikrish we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey. This is mainly for 1v1 meetings.
    Valdis Takeris
    Definitely both. And it really depends on industry. The most important is to remember, why are you exchanging your contacts. If you need that other person and he gives you a physical business card - perfect. Remember him, write down his details on the card and invite to Linkedin later (if the person has an account). You will have a reason to interact with that person again, do that with custom invitation text, remind about you again and maybe initiate a new talk.
    Shalin Doshi
    @valdist Thanks for sharing your views, I would recommend you to try this app out https://dashlynk.com/ DashLynk app which allows you to create, share and add digital business cards of customers/clients. The concept is simple, building a tool to network easily. Also, you can maintain all your cards in one place with whom you network with
    Shalin Doshi
    @valdist we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey.
    Geetanjali Shrivastava
    I haven't had a visiting card in years, after I realised that they were a pain to collect, and I was almost never using the card to connect with the person. And post-COVID with so many online networking events, a LinkedIn connection was the easiest & most efficient. A digital card sounds like a good solution though. What would be really cool is if there was a way to learn more about the person without the effort it takes to go through a person's LI profile...something like a TLDR of the person's professional profile.
    Shalin Doshi
    @geetanjalishrivastava I would recommend you to try this app out https://dashlynk.com/ DashLynk app which allows you to create, share and add digital business cards of customers/clients. The concept is simple, building a tool to network easily. Also, you can maintain all your cards in one place with whom you network with. Let me know your feedback on the same.
    Geetanjali Shrivastava
    @shalin_doshi I checked out the site...it definitely looks interesting! Will download the app and check it out in detail for sure.
    Shalin Doshi
    @geetanjalishrivastava Thank you, please share your feedback on the same. Also, if possible do give us a rating and feedback on the app store. One Link that's what we want.
    Shalin Doshi
    @geetanjalishrivastava we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey.
    Varvara Kisialeva
    I think business cards are too old fashioned nowadays, especially in IT industry, everything is on the Internet now.
    Shalin Doshi
    @varvara_kiselyova Not personal contacts of people, there would be a great privacy issue out there if that happens. Business cards are mainly when you meet people 1v1 especially in traditional business. Say for instance when you are visiting an exhibition, conferences and etc. Linkedin for professional connection agreed, but not for 1v1
    Varvara Kisialeva
    @shalin_doshi yeah, you are right, but nowadays in pandemic period all these meeting went to the second plan, and most conferences happen in zoom, skype, etc.
    Shalin Doshi
    @varvara_kiselyova agreed. But you would still have to share some information of yours to keep in touch with the person. This is where we come in, sharing business cards digitally so you can store the card in one place and connect with them again.
    Shalin Doshi
    @varvara_kiselyova we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey.
    Petteri Puumala
    An interesting distribution of responses. I thought that either one could be in the lead.
    Shalin Doshi
    @petteri_puumala Hahha, by looking at the poll, itโ€™s clearer linkedin one sided. I feel business cards are more personal and can solve things quickly like you have the person personal contact details in the first go
    Shalin Doshi
    @petteri_puumala we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey.
    Vedran Rasic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    Depends on the business. Brick & mortar businesses might still benefit from biz cards. But we in the digital arena should stick to digital ;)
    krogerfeed schedule
    I really appreciated this piece. I often think of how much of a time suck and a mental drain diving into comment conversations can be. But sometimes it is worth it. At the end of the day, it's important to assert oneself and to attempt to have discussions about what matters to you. greatpeople me login
    Shalin Doshi
    @krogerfeedschedule We are discussing pro-cons for business cards and Linkedin, to summarise. Business cards are good when 1V1 and linkedin when networking or trying to find a contact. Both have their importance and this will remain for all the coming years, because business cards provides information which may/may not be provided by linkedin in the first interaction with a new person.
    Shalin Doshi
    @krogerfeedschedule we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey.
    Nicole Ogloza
    95% linkedin (especially post covid), but it's always nice to have a personal card from someone you've met in person! Sometimes physical cards can stumble upon you at the right moment. If there is someway you can use a digital business card for is directing them to all the QR codes (not just linkedin) to connect with people. I think that would be a neat idea to incorporate for you. Like having a QR code embedded into dash lynk, and connections to other social medias/platforms that the person you've connected with (creating a social network)!!!
    Shalin Doshi
    @nicole_ogloza Thanks for the comment, can you elaborate on " If there is some way you can use a digital business card for is directing them to all the QR codes (not just LinkedIn) to connect with people" and also "Like having a QR code embedded into dash lynk, and connections to other social medias/platforms that the person you've connected with (creating a social network)!!!"
    Nicole Ogloza
    @shalin_doshi yes. I would have some way to connect all social media accounts to your app....I would have linkedin, IG, FB and others each be equipped with a QR code, that way, if you add someone you can connect with them in more ways than one, and even hook it up to their emails, so it would be hard to avoid that new connection request!
    Shalin Doshi
    @nicole_ogloza We have one QR for all links, which redirects to the profile of the person directly containing all the links
    Luka Vasic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    On LinkedIn, your profile and activity say it all. In the featured section, header, and about you can put things related to your business and your posts and comments can engage your network with your business.
    Shalin Doshi
    @luka_vasic Business cards are mainly when you meet people 1v1 especially in traditional business. Say for instance when you are visiting an exhibition, conferences and etc. Linkedin for professional connection agreed, but not for 1v1. When you are out to get business from a customer and you meet them at an event, you would want to make the most out of it. So rather than adding them on Linkedin which may or may not have all the information, you would share a business card that gives you all the details of the person, then you can connect over LinkedIn to check their activity and think of your next move. Hence, business cards cannot be replaced. Because no one has the time to stop adding the person on LinkedIn and then chat on LinkedIn for hours, What's app is better for that.
    Shalin Doshi
    @luka_vasic we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey.
    Luka Vasic
    LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
    @shalin_doshi will be sure to check it out in a few hours ๐Ÿ˜
    Srishty Chaudhary
    I will go with LinkedIN because it tells you almost everything about a person than a business card.
    Shalin Doshi
    @srishty_chaudhary thatโ€™s only if you connect with the person. To make that happen you need the details of the person which is easily accessible in a business card rather than a LinkedIn profile. Also business cards are for 1v1 meetings to share personal information of the person, LinkedIn doesnโ€™t have it all covered. Plus when you meet a person first time you arenโ€™t going to stop take sometime add me on LinkedIn oh now letโ€™s chat there, you want to make the most of it which business card helps you do it.
    Shalin Doshi
    @srishty_chaudhary we have launched dashLynk https://www.producthunt.com/post... would be great if you can give us a feedback and support us in this journey.