Janak Patel

LinkedIn Organic Growth: What is the best tip?


A decent size SaaS startup with BETA offering only, I'm having 1.2K followers using organic content sharing on LinkedIn. My hack: Engage with visitors, tag them with relevant questions, reply to their comments and keep post informative. I do not share any promotional posts :D I tag the users who are regular likers from the company page and make them feel privileged. What is the best hack as per your experience? Let's grow together

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Daniel Engels
Well, LinkedIn is a great channel but it would take you some months to get organic growth. You'd need to build a targeted network first. Than you'd need to write extremey engaging posts that would make people react organically. Polls are the best way to get reactions, but you should alternate them with other types of content. (Remember that LinkedIn gives less impressions to posts with outbound links, while the videos get a bonus). Regularity is key. If you post valuable content every week, for months in a row - there is a chance your profile would become prominent for your network, and then event outside of it.
Janak Patel
@daniel_engels Agreed to all points. It took months, but during some weeks the growth was exponential and for some months it was dull. However, getting engagement is tricky part. It depends on your offline network, product visibility on other mediums and founder's online reputation as well I'd add. This was the page - https://www.linkedin.com/company... The content was narrow-focused.
Daniel Engels
@janak_patel56 could you share some of your posts that gor most impressions?
Janak Patel
@daniel_engels 1) Employee Appreciation: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/up... 2) Poll: When it was in priority for LinkedIn algorithm 3) Interesting stats with visuals: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/up... 4) Article you might find interesting: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/h...