Looking for Tech Lead - Future CTO for Selftalk
Vio Vanica
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Hey guys,
I am looking for a tech lead, potential CTO for our mental health startup called Selftalk.
It's like Spotify for therapy, you listen to what a therapist would say about a specific problem you face.
Here is the tech stack that we look for:
- Frontend (Mobile App): React Native (2-3 years of experience), TypeScript, React. Frontend (Dashboard): React, TypeScript, Next.js.
- Backend: Python, Django (with DRF experience). You should also possess a foundational understanding of AWS and have experience working with Stripe on both the backend and frontend.
If you think you are a good fit, or you know someone that might be a good fit - please let me know!
The rest of the job description is here - https://cuddly-ptarmigan-9f8.notion.site/Tech-Lead-opportunity-to-become-a-CTO-1590de23e1394c63a2044ad6282106b6?pvs=4
Thank you!
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