Make a full free step-by-step to be #1 on Product Hunt, interested!?
Hey PH hunter!
I've seen a lot of projects that received a lot of attention from Product Hunt. I usually receive the same few recommendations when I search online, such as uploading your project at 0:00AM, timezone of California. When I follow all of the procedures outlined in videos and blogs, I consistently receive 20 to 40 upvotes, and when I look at other people's projects, it is far over 600 in only the first week.
As Producthunt publisher, we all get a lot of messages from Producthunt agencies offering to make your project #1 for $8000. I can't afford to spend $8000 on the top 1, 2, or 3 as a new business. We are all entrepreneurs, and we must support one another.
As Startup entrepreneurs, we should collaborate and discuss what we accomplished in order to acquire a large number of upvotes. Provide text templates, image templates, and link to groups so that we may post our project on Producthunt.
Are you willing to collaborate with me to create the ultimate step-by-step 2023 guideline to being the #1 product on Producthunt?
Let’s me know.