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  • Make your copywriting a little bit better. Try to apply this πŸ‘€

    One of the very first positions when I got into marketing was the position of a copywriter. ✍️ Practically, I have been doing it most of my life. πŸ˜… Lately, I have observed some aspects that could help me to write better emails (because I have a newsletter too) and collected some findings. πŸ“Œ I will pin them here, so you (and me) can get back to these: 1️⃣ Understand the audience You need to know with whom you speak otherwise you miss the aim. Create a list of people (or persona) and observe the tone of voice (how your ideal customer speaks). Then, you can customise the style. 2️⃣ Personalize Address the recipient by name ("I get your point Nika...") – Ensure you don't overuse them. Because when you use them too much, you can scare the other side. It sounds then like AI. 3️⃣ Be specific Try to give more details because you make an impression that you know what you are talking about (credibility/authority/trustworthiness). 4️⃣ Use of pronouns "I/We" vs "You". Phrase your copy so it’s predominantly reader-centric, rather than company- or sender-centric. When you use "you", the reader knows he/she is in the centre of the interest and has the attention. 5️⃣ Format for readability It is about design. And even text can be designed. Create short paragraphs consisting of a maximum of 3 lines. Try to skim it but still have crucial details there. Numbers and capital letters also matter. 6️⃣ Demonstrate on examples If you show a case study or a testimonial from an authority, you become more credible, and people are likely to do what you want. (Proof.) 7️⃣ Use CTA BUT! Use it as a "stand-alone" line. When you use the CTA at the end of the sentence, it will go unnoticed. Create a special single-separated line for that so it will stand out. Keep the CTA short as well. One piece of advice on the top: Marketing is about psychology most of the time. Observe people and their behavior and you will be closer to them. πŸ™‚ If you liked these findings, you may like my newsletter too. Just sign up – the form is provided in the comments.πŸ‘‡


    Patryk Pijanowski
    Very thanks! These are very good tips - I will follow them!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    🫠 Onboarding process of the curious ones: https://mailchi.mp/1dbd72e09689/...
    Philippe Denier
    We are trying with Stageset to replace most emails with sales rooms, so you can use more than just text to illustrate your message
    Parsanjit Dutta
    Thanks! This is what I needed at the moment.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jit_dutta Do you write newsletter? :)
    Parsanjit Dutta
    @busmark_w_nika I tried once! But failed. Couldn't keep the streak as I became more focused on building stuffs. But I needed tips on writing emails. And your post helped :)
    Parsanjit Dutta
    @busmark_w_nika Haha Thanks for the encouragement. okay!!!! Will make sure to show it to you first, when I get done with the first draft.
    Yvik Ye
    I like your post, always insightful!😁
    Dan O'Malley
    More great advice! Thank you!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @dan_o_malley some of them are covered in newsletter (and some thoughts about marketing) :) You are welcome :)
    hafid Ahlaqach
    Can you share more about how to be specific without it turning into an essay?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @hafid0x00 it goes hand in hand with demonstration examples (have a look at my text – I demonstrated an example with "I get your point Nika...") – I also proved by this example in this text that I know what I am talking about. PRO tip: to catch attention – use images for demonstration so you will "disrupt the text form with formatting.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @hafid0x00 The second thing is that – when you are an authority and people take you seriously, they are more likely to read essays. :)
    Kate Ramakaieva
    FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/
    Thanks for sharing - as always mega useful!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kate_ramakaieva Thank you, Kate. :) I try to do the same in my newsletter :) This Sunday also about little bit of psychology in marketing :)
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Love this trips, Nika. Thank you for sharing!
    Copywriting is the most powerful tool for anyone in marketing, and even in sales. Great points, Nika.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @vertikanigam Thank you! I would say that visuals matter more but text + images = they complement each other :) thank you!
    Anas Riad
    Mastering copy is key in marketing. I've been learning a lot about copy while creating content on LinkedIn and recently on YouTube. It's all about grabbing the attention and then delivering what is promised.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @anas_riad can you share links to your YT and LI? :)
    Aaron Hays
    Great tips here. I will also highlight writing on LinkedIn can be great to practice.
    Thank you for sharing, Nika. Your content is always top-notch. I'm curious, do you only share on Product Hunt?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @bonvisions Bon, it is so kind of you, I appreciate your attention. Actually not. I have also a newsletter + Twitter. Recommend signup for the newsletter, because I write there more: https://mailchi.mp/1dbd72e09689/... And if you are more into Twitter, so https://x.com/BusMark_w_Nika
    Daksh Tyagi
    @busmark_w_nika These tips are pure gold! πŸ† Personalization and reader-centric focus can make a huge difference. Thanks for sharing.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @founder_daksh Thank you Daksh :) If you are interested in more like these, have a look at my newsletter :) https://mailchi.mp/1dbd72e09689/...
    Daksh Tyagi
    @busmark_w_nika I already signed up like when you're asking for tips here before starting the newsletter. I do like the one newsletter where you talk about if "Sarcasm is good or not" maybe from last week.
    Zoya Shah
    Make your copywriting a little bit better by focusing on clarity, brevity, and engaging content. Start with a strong headline, use active voice, and include a clear call to action. Regularly revising and seeking feedback can also enhance your skills. Promote your brand effectively with branded pens, perfect for giveaways and corporate events. These practical items keep your logo visible daily, making them a powerful tool for lasting marketing impressions.
    Thank you for sharing these valuable insights! The tips are fantastic and will greatly help in improving my email writing. I especially appreciate the advice on personalization.πŸ‘