Marketers! What books have had the biggest impact on your growth? Share your game-changers

Daniil Okhlopkov
3 replies
Confession time: I started my marketing journey as a Petroleum Engineering major and fell head over heels for the world of marketing. 🙈 From social media management to email marketing, SEO, and content strategy, I've dabbled in various realms of digital marketing. It's amazing how each micro-skill adds to the overall puzzle of this fascinating industry. Now, I'm diving into product marketing and loving the collaborative problem-solving involved. Recently, I had an "aha!" moment while reading "Traction" by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares. The insights and ideas resonated deeply, reaffirming the power of books in accelerating our growth. So, fellow marketers, what books have made a significant impact on your journey? Share your favorite game-changers, those "aha!" moments that shaped your marketing prowess. Let's create a reading list that unlocks our full potential!


Here's a very good one: "Product Analytics: Applied Data Science Techniques for Actionable Consumer Insights"! It provides fundamental knowledge of analyzing data and gathering consumer insights
Daniil Okhlopkov
I also loved all books by Yuval Noah Harari -- they broaden my understanding of a past, present and potential future.