Metered, Usage-based Pricing for OpenAI Apps

David Frankle
0 replies
GPT-3 Meter simplifies the process of implementing usage-based billing, making it easy for developers to get their apps off the ground and start making money. With GPT-3 Meter, you can create a flexible pricing model that works for you and your users, so you can focus on what really matters – developing amazing apps. The app provides clear reporting and real-time monitoring, so you can stay on top of costs and usage at all times. You can even set up usage-based billing for multiple usage meters, such as storage or processing, so you can accurately track costs and optimize your pricing strategy. With GPT-3 Meter, you can: -Easily implement usage-based billing -Monitor usage and costs in real-time -Get clear reporting and insights into usage patterns -Create flexible pricing models with multiple usage meters Would this be useful for you?
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