Misusing Product Hunt: thoughts?

Cristina Imre
22 replies
What are your thoughts on those who misuse Product Hunt as a means to gain votes without giving back?


Cristina Imre
I'm not sure about you, but I have this on a frequent basis. On LinkedIn & Twitter especially, people reaching out for favors because they saw me on Product Hunt and they just have a launch day. In the beginning, as a new enthusiastic fan of the platform I went with it, but then things accumulated. For months I asked nothing in return, then after the XXs request I said to myself let's ask for some small things in return like engagement, answering a poll, a question I had, you name it. Nothing fancy. Big surprise! Founders, even those with previous successes, ghosted me or answer with delays when I had no use anymore. The other day I had a founder, a pretty famous figure who you would recognize for his previous startups, asking me to engage for a second launch. This is after I already did one before asking for a small favor because he asked me if there is anything he could do in return. He just came back, five months later, excused himself for not seeing my message, and asking for this second favor. Really? Did we all forget the cooperative benevolence our society was built on? I'm pretty helpful in nature, but the new trend of dehumanization and asking without giving anything back it's a bit too rapid. When the disbalance grows too much social distress arises in multiple forms. Let's start thinking about the other more. It will make our lives healthier and happier. What's your experience?
Eric Beans
@cristinaimre Very valid. Sounds like you are incredibly supportive by nature. Wish there were more like you.
@cristinaimre I haven't tried what you're doing at the moment, but in a way I'm not surprised this has happened. I'd also say that not everyone would do that including me - so don't lose total faith!
Cristina Imre
@maxwellcdavis Thanks for your input and I see you're launching something soon. :) By nature, I don't like to generalize and love founders with all my heart since I know how hard it is. Probably that's the cause I was exploited for a long time until my nerves cracked, but yes, many tech founders are awesome, hustlers, and determined to do the right thing. The distress from marketing, the speed of the markets, and the push from all stakeholders make some with maybe weaker characters convert into strange-looking personas with no intention to bond or help out others. Good luck with your launch!
Cristina Imre
@happhi Thank you for your kind words! New movements of kindness and sincere cooperation are needed to now lose ourselves in the AI transition. Social skills and empathy are still under our power, hard to be replaced, ask ChatGPT.
Ágh Helmut
@cristinaimre I'm sorry to hear that! I usually upvote projects and connect with people on ProductHunt, but haven't launched my project here yet. I hope I'll get lucky! 😅
Matt Harbord
Have a follow - and if there's anything I can do to help let me know!
Cristina Imre
@matt_harbord Some did write exactly that and then never answered again after I helped with their launch. :)
Matt Harbord
@cristinaimre Well, as long as I'm on here I'll be notified of any new posts you make and I'll jump on them! I feel like there's only a small proportion of this community who are willing to give as well as receive - and I know we're all hussling, but it's got to work both ways (if it's going to work at all!).
Cristina Imre
@matt_harbord That's such a beautiful thing to say and a rare commitment, Matt. Highly appreciated! Yes, it can only work both ways, otherwise nothing that gets built is the right thing.
Swapnil D Puranik
I hear you. It has been the case on and off PH for a fairly long time now. I have learnt to expect that 7 out of 10 people everywhere are more interested to receive than give. That's just the way it works. I feel good about myself knowing that I try to be among the 3 people who try and give back. That's what matters, doesn't it?
Cristina Imre
@swapdp_01 Kuddos for you and it matters a lot, Swapnil. It worth mentioning that contrarian to what might others expect marketers involved in the launches were more responsive and helpers compared to these founders I mentioned. It shows there is a good wave of healthy marketers and growth strategists like yourself concerned about long-term relationships without burning the road from the start. Thanks for showing the way!
Swapnil D Puranik
@cristinaimre Yes, marketers, other roles, and founders are all working towards their respective goals and objectives. Founders, understandably so, will be focused more on product and tech, than anything else. They deserve all the support without little expectation in return.
Richard Gao
I'd say it's not as much of an issue as people think. 🤔 I have multiple people asking me to support their products every day. It takes me 10 seconds of my time, so I usually support them. Come launch day, I have a massive DM list for my product (evoke-app.com) and a good amount of the people I supported don't support me back But even then, I get so much support from the DM list that it doesn't matter (as you can see with my #2 product of the day). So I'd say just keep on giving, it doesn't take much. Focus on building relationships with the people that give back.
Cristina Imre
@richard_gao2 I agree with you that it's not a big deal (apparently) and because I'm also a doer and not afraid to speak it seemed to me that an alarm needs to be raised when behavior crosses the line. Why? Because we shouldn't be interested in building a society for our children where people just exploit others and are less and less interested in human connection, word keeping and acting nice. What do you think?
Marceric a
I'm new to PH and I don't know the workings of this platform. But following my research, many people say that you have to ask popular hunters for help. I'm sorry that some people abuse it. I start from the principle that in life everything is give and take, maybe not necessarily 50/50 but at least close to equity.
Cristina Imre
@marceric_a And you are right. Thanks for pointing out common sense and the importance of balance.
Cristina Imre
Irony: just got this today in my InMail (LinkedIn) "It's getting tough to survive! Hey, I found your profile through ProductHunt. Scalenut is live on PH We need your last minute support-" Did you get one?