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  • My Product Hunt Launch didn't go as planned, and I'll tell you why

    Vanessa Franz
    4 replies
    Mistakes are the spice of life, and boy did I make a doozy! In 2022, I hired a developer to build my dream Saas platform, and they promised me the world. But as time went by, the only thing they delivered was a hefty list of excuses - bugs, custom code, you name it! I even asked if they could make the Product Hunt launch date I had set, and they assured me it would be no problem. Spoiler alert: it was a BIG problem. Come launch day, and the platform was as fragile and incomplete as a half-built house of cards. Suffice it to say that my big Product Hunt debut was a flop of epic proportions. I had no choice but to show my developer the door and start from scratch in Feb 2023. Now, I'm just four weeks away from my MVP, but there's a little hitch. You see, because I've already launched my product I'm now unable to update my listing as it hasn't been six months since the initial launch. So, I'm stuck with an outdated listing that still has my old developer's name as the "maker" even though they have nothing to do with it anymore. I've tried reaching out to Product Hunt to see if there's a way to relaunch or start over, but I haven't received any responses. It's frustrating, but I'm not giving up. I know that my product has the potential to be a game-changer, and I'm determined to show it off in all its glory on Product Hunt. So, if anyone has any tips or contacts that can help me relaunch or start over on Product Hunt, I'm all ears! It's time to put my mistake behind me and show the world what I've got.


    Very unfortunate Vanessa😥 I can suggest that you create a new brand for your SaaS product and reupload everything with new makers to Product Hunt.
    @canberk_ars I can't rebrand at this point. Too much work with brand awareness and a new MVP has been done already.
    @privy_reviews I see, then I think the best way is to contact Product Hunt admins to see if it is possible to change makers.
    William Stevens
    After perusing your most recent responses and experimenting with the monkey mart game, I believe I now have a fundamental understanding of how it operates. I look forward to conducting additional tests to determine how I can make everything function.Many thanks to each of you!