My Volunteer team - 24 of them


How are you? This is my volunteer team. Do let me know if you like to tap into our 3,738 Volunteers from 76 countries? I'm here to break any prejudices (e.g. volunteers are useless) that you may have and show you how Volunteers can help your tech startup move from where you are to the next stage and beyond. We are the best use case out there. And we want you to learn from us and do better than us. Come for the ride! Together, we can build tech companies whilst helping others to develop their skills and gain experiences. It's a WIN WIN. What are you waiting for? PS: If you want to connect with me on Linkedin, please send a message referring to this as I am a bit bored with Linkedin connections without valid request messages. Thanks.

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Jason Cavness
@manojranaweera This is very interesting. Do you do any vetting of the volunteers or the companies that bring on the volunteers?
@jasoncavness We don't but take quick action of bad players. We suggest appointment of a HR Volunteer to manage sourcing.