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  • Name two hobbies you have that are completely opposite from each other.

    Udaya Sri
    37 replies
    I enjoy exploring a bit of everything, so I try make time for all my hobbies each day. I might not master any one thing, but I’m okay with being a jack of all trades. Lately, I’ve noticed how different my hobbies can be, like drawing and hiking. Do you have any similar hobbies?


    Aleksander Brousseau
    My hobbies are pretty diverse one moment I’m deep into digital art and the next I’m out running marathons. It’s refreshing to switch between such different activities.
    Same! When I was in school, I systematically studied drawing, sketching, watercolor, oil painting, etc. Now I love hiking and enjoy walking in the mountains and rivers while appreciating the beautiful scenery.
    Kavya Tripathi
    I am lil lil good at everything and that makes me Jack on all master of none :’)
    Udaya Sri
    @kavyaaatripathi Haha, I think people who are jacks of all trades are really cool, even if they’re masters of none.
    Charlie Grayson
    I find it interesting how two hobbies can be so different. For me, I love relaxing with a good book while also enjoying the excitement of hiking.
    Udaya Sri
    @charlie_grayson That’s really interesting! What is your favorite book?
    Maddilene John
    I have such different hobbies myself. On one hand, I love spending time gardening, and on the other, I get a thrill from playing video games.
    Luke Bell
    It’s fun to think about how diverse our interests can be. Personally, I enjoy the quiet of painting and the adrenaline of rock climbing.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Waking up early in the morning and taking a nap again in noon :D
    Renly Borris
    I love hiking and knitting, two hobbies that couldn’t be more different! One gets me out in nature, while the other keeps me cozy at home.
    Kimberly West
    I love both cooking and hiking. It’s a fun contrast between creating meals and exploring nature.
    Savannah Morris
    I spend time building model kits and going for spontaneous hikes.
    Rose Linda
    I enjoy meditation and rock climbing. It’s a great mix of relaxation and excitement.
    Alexander Galitsky
    Zoology and astronomy
    Udaya Sri
    @ag94 That's impressive! How do you keep up with all that info? My brain would give up pretty fast.
    Gucci Murdock
    gardening and video gaming
    mini addison
    I’m into both cooking elaborate meals and practicing yoga. It’s interesting how one brings creativity and the other brings calm.
    Eoin Bishop
    I love the contrast between my quiet evenings of reading and my intense weekend mountain biking.
    Puja Kumari
    I'm passionate about playing the drums, which is high energy, and I also enjoy meditating, which is very calming. It’s fun balancing these two contrasting interests!
    For me spend my weekend either surfing or baking. The adrenaline rush from surfing and the precise, methodical process of baking are a perfect mix!
    Iris Matt
    I'm really into urban photography, capturing cityscapes, and I also spend time practicing yoga. The fast paced city life versus the peaceful yoga sessions are a great contrast.
    Haider Murtaza
    I love spending time in nature hiking, but I also enjoy the quiet of knitting. The contrast between the outdoor activity and the calm indoor crafting is refreshing!
    Julia Klemenc
    For me into extreme sports like rock climbing, but I also find peace in reading classic literature. It’s interesting how these two hobbies are worlds apart!