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  • NO-CODE, custom development or third option?

    Maksymilian Piechota
    0 replies
    Introducing a new idea to the market is an exciting and challenging endeavor. One of the biggest challenges is validating your idea quickly, before investing too much time and resources into it. This is where a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) comes in, providing a stable and visually appealing version of your product that can be developed quickly and at low cost. However, creating an MVP can still be a tricky proposition. No-code tools are often the go-to solution, providing an easy way to create a product without writing code. But these tools can be limiting, and may not provide the flexibility and scalability needed for success. If your product takes off, you may find yourself having to rewrite it from scratch or live with the flaws and limitations of the no-code platform. On the other hand, custom software development can be expensive and time-consuming. This may be an option for established companies with deep pockets, but for startups with limited resources, it may not be feasible. A middle ground may be to look for prebuilt custom code products with a basic set of features built in. These products can provide the stability and scalability of custom software development without the high cost and time investment. By using these prebuilt products, you can focus on refining your idea and getting it to market quickly, while still having the flexibility to add new features as your business grows. In conclusion, there are several options available for creating an MVP and introducing a new idea to the market. No-code tools can be a quick and easy solution, but may have limitations. Custom software development is expensive and time-consuming, while prebuilt custom code products may be a middle ground that provides the best of both worlds. Ultimately, the choice will depend on your specific needs and resources, but with the right approach, you can successfully launch your idea and make it a reality. Wonder what you guys think about those three options?
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