NoCode platform looking for beta stage feedback

Tristan Van Poucke
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Hi all We are in the midst of a betatest for our NoCode platform called NoCode-X. NoCode-X is a full stack nocode platform that allows you to build web applications very very fast. We focus heavily on 2 gaps we identified within the Nocode world: 1/ Reusability & Maintainability: Reuse just about anything you built in our platform ranging from UI elements to full blown applications to be used as blueprint. Also reusing is not limited by application boundaries, you can reuse within your application, within your organization or completely public. 2/ Security: We have several features in place that helps you build very secure applications. We have automatic encryption, automatic audit logs, a fully configured WAF in front of every application, ... If anyone is up for it we would love your feedback on our tool! You can register for the beta here: Kind regards Tristan
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