Pain points related to timesheets.
Arnaud from timeNough
2 replies
I am Arnaud, the Founder and CEO of timeNough, a startup devoted to addressing the issues, pain points, and lack of sense associated with timesheet and time tracking software in the corporate environment.
It is my intention to begin this discussion by gathering your opinions, feedback, impressions, or complaints regarding the time tracking system currently utilized within your organization and that you utilize as an employee.
As a result, we will be able to determine:
- what improvements you might wish to make,
- how it can be improved,
- how it can be less intrusive,
- how it can be more respectful of your privacy, and
- how it can alleviate the anxiety associated with it.
We have created a working prototype that can be tested here,
as well as an integration with Slack
and an integration with Microsoft Teams,
both of which can be tested by being invited.
I am looking forward to receiving your comments.
Philip Snyder@philipsnyder
Delphi β Digital Clone Studio
Filling out timesheets has to be super fast and UX friendly. At my old job filling out time sheets took way too much time - too many clicks.
@philipsnyder Thanks for your response. At some point, too many clicks may become counterproductive, and we will take this into consideration.