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  • PMs: What are the biggest daily challenges in your job?

    2 replies
    Across the internet there's an abundance of information on topics that I find rather trivial: - prioritisation, roadmaps, allocating time, ... However, I feel a lot of the actual daily struggles are barely addressed in public: insecurity about decisions, lack of evidence, staying on top of all incoming feedback and info, communicating your view to the product squad, ... just to mention a few. I'm super curious to hear what other PMs struggle with in their real life, not just social media stage. Would love to hear your thoughts and stories!


    Gurkaran Singh
    Navigating daily PM challenges is like finding your way through a maze full of contradictory user feedback and deadlines that pop up like surprise guests at a party. Let's just say, it's a wild ride with no instruction manual!
    Omar Faruk
    Time and attention management definitely