Product hunt launch checklist

Sahil Patel
19 replies
Are you planning to launch your product on product hunt? We've put together a free checklist to make your launch a success. It covers everything you need to know from planning to post-launch tips Here's the link: We'd love some feedback :)


Richard Reis
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This is awesome! Thanks Sahil!
This is actually a good stuff, put together. Thank you for sharing, Sahil!
Neel Patel
@sahilypatel absolutely! When are you available?
Swarna Hebbar Voice AI Product Assistant Voice AI Product Assistant
love this- this helps a lot. I am a solo founder with very less support staff to delegate to. This makes it easier to figure out my priorities. What is opinion on hiring a hunter or hunting yourself?
Ruvim Rubish
Wow!! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks a bunch for sharing this Sahil!
PH launch guide is not bad, but being able to consume it (obv with some extra insights) as a quick checklist in a few minutes is a huge unlock. Ty.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
Wow!! Thanks for sharing this!
It's definitely worth checking it out, thank you!