Product sales have been declining - how do you manage this and get them back up?

1 reply
I have a series of apps on the app store, these started strongly, however now (a few months in), the sales have started declining, with only a few a day. How do you all manage this, and get the popularity of your apps back up again?


Tomas Papazian
Hi Harry. You need to invest in the growth of your app. In case it is a high-intent app, you should consider using an affiliate program distribution channel through SEO (since people know they want to have a tool that solves their problem and that is where your app appears). In case your app is low intent, the options to consider are paid ads, influencer marketing, email marketing, etc. (Through social media people are not there to buy, they are just to entertain themselves but they might get to an Ad of a product that they find interest although they did not know they needed) Hope you find these ideas helpful. Would love to connect and share some more value with you with some documents with takeaways from what I mentioned to you previously.