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  • Question About PH etiquette

    Karl Mechkin
    10 replies
    As there are differences between various Internet communities, I’d like to ask, is there a customary way on PH to express gratitude for someone’s comment? Do you just upvote it as a form of saying “Thank you”, or write it as a reply?


    James Wilson
    For me, upvoting a comment is a quick way to show appreciation, but I also like to leave a reply to acknowledge their input.
    Alex AI
    I try to thank to people. Why? Because they spend time and write me a reply. Put some effort and time into my question. Of course, there are AI generated replies. Not a big fan of the people using AI to reply under people's content.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I think that people cherish a genuine feedback for their product (improvements) + reviewing helps a lot in terms of creating better and stronger connections :)
    Karl Mechkin
    @busmark_w_nika Yes, for the product or as a thread reply the written feedback is for sure better. I meant the situations on how to respond to someone's positive comment if you don't have much to add. Some communities consider replies with just "Thank you" unnecessary clutter, preferring just upvoting, while for others it is standard practice. I was curious how it is here on PH.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @karl_mechkin It depends. Sometimes there is no wonder because if the team is tiny and they face too many messages, they will probably (without AI) are not able to produce very long answers. It is a fight between sources (time, people) and authenticity (feedback not created with Chat GPT).
    Phyllis Brooks
    I usually reply directly to the comment with a thank you. It feels more personal and shows that I appreciate their feedback.
    Hauwa Muhammad
    I find that a combination of both works best. I upvote the comment to show my gratitude and then drop a quick reply to make it more personal.
    Lora Jones
    Upvoting is a good start, but I always make sure to follow up with a reply to show my appreciation more personally.
    Nancy Wright
    Totally agree! It's great to thank people for taking the time to reply thoughtfully to your questions. I'm not a fan of AI-generated replies either. They often lack the personal touch and genuine insight that comes from a real human engaging with your question. Nothing beats an authentic, considerate human response!
    Matthew Aaron Clarke
    Totally hear you on this. I try to thank people when they take the time to provide a thoughtful response too, even if it's short. And yeah, not a fan of the AI-generated generic replies that don't really engage with the original post. If someone's going to use AI, they should at least refine it to be more specific and conversational IMO. Just my 2 cents!