Reflections from a Fledgling Founder ✨
Joannah Bodden Small
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What did 2024 teach me? 🎊
HI! I’m Jo, Joannah Bodden Small, the Founder of Caraleya -
Reflections from a fledgling Founder, happily referring to myself as “The Hardest Working Woman in App Land”!
1. The joy of dream chasing ✨
It doesn’t get any better than doing what you really love. Creating something from nothing, igniting a spark and watching it glow and grow into something quite incredible.
2. The wonder of globalisation 🌎
We are literally one message, one call, one download away from people and products on the other side of the world.
And guess what? There really is so much more that connects us than separates us. What an amazing era we have the privilege of living in.
3. The strength of resilience 💪🏽
Falling down is an inevitable part of the journey, it’s what you do next that counts. “Pivot” has become a much loved move, coupled with a sense of patience, adventure and optimism - traits needed when you can’t quite see what’s around the corner but are determined to keep moving forward.
4. The beauty of humanity 🫶🏽
People are amazing. Compassion, kindness and empathy are amazing. Yes there are disappointments, but they make the wins that much sweeter. The story is made up of many chapters - I’m thankful for the cast of wonderful characters in mine, and the plot twists and turns that keep the pages turning in anticipation.
5. The power of prayer 🙏🏽
Control is a relative term - and with that in mind, I look back at 2024 with respect for the lessons learned and gratitude for the miracles. And ahead to 2025 with hands clasped to leave things a little better that I find them, do more good than harm to our precious planet and to err on the side of thoughtfulness whenever possible.
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