Riskiest move? did it pay off?

Prem Saini
1 reply
As an entrepreneur, I have faced a lot of challenges, and one of them that I still speak about is the way you communicate with your customers, understand their pain points and build something that would solve them & trust me I have made some of the riskiest moves too to do some trial & errors. How has your journey been? And what are some of the challenges & moves that you made to face this? I have shared my story in my dear newsletter "The Growth Flow"🌿 Let me know what you think: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/whatsapp-business-new-trend-full-guide-delivering-prem-saini-vfzzc/


Anjali N
Subscribed Prem! To be honest, I'm still trying to learn how to take risky decisions :) will surely share once done haha. Thanks for the newsletter too I hope it gives me that confidence