Salary rise: How often should we have that per year?

Salar Davari
9 replies


Ditarth Desai
Regarding salary raises, aiming for an annual review is a smart move. It keeps everyone motivated and aligned with company goals while ensuring fair compensation.
Salar Davari
@ditarth_wbs Sure. but how much and how often?
Chemical Bull
Salary raises are typically annual, aligning with performance reviews. Some companies may offer bi-annual increases based on exceptional performance or market adjustments.
Salar Davari
@chemical_bull Thank you. Do you know anything about the amount of the rise?
CY Zhou
It depends on the industry and company policy, but generally, an annual review is standard practice. However, for high performers or rapidly growing companies, bi-annual reviews can be beneficial to retain top talent.
Ashley from Shadow
I feel like most bosses/company usually has this in place annually already
Shreya Singh
Salary hikes should depend on many factors, such as employee performance, credibility, the scope of improvement, etc and may happen once or twice a year depending on company policy an industry standards.