Seems like viewing the Profile page is down. Who is having the same issue?

Jao Japitana
8 replies
Whenever I go to my profile page it this is what I get: ---- We seem to have lost this page Please accept these adorable photos of our PH team's furry friend as our humble apology for the inconvenience. Let's get you back to the homepage ---- Who is having the same problem? Or is this a PH issue? I asked 5 of my friends and they see the same thing


Laurent Gobert
For everyone, you can reach the profile page except your profile (via your Profile link). It's not so impacting.
Matt Barber
Same here with me
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Here as well. The "magic" of being 100% dependent of the network - yesterday we all had profile pages on PH, not they're gone. In an instant. Gotta get that community going if we want to secure our audiences.
Laurent Gobert
Hello, I have had the same issue since yesterday. The profile link is incorrect. The target is and lands at Instead of pointing to your username like this (for mine):
Guess I'm late to the party. Having no issues here!
Jao Japitana
As of today it seems to be working ok now. another of those PH unexplainable issues again I guess