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  • SEO in 2024: What's Working for You?

    Hamza Afzal Butt
    10 replies
    Hey Product Hunt! SEO is always changing, and 2024 is no exception. share your best practices and what’s working in the current landscape.


    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    I think the best techniques working for SEO includes focusing on high-quality, relevant content, optimizing for voice search and leveraging AI-driven insights. Also, E-E-A-T for SEO is a game changer!! To improve your website’s ranking, demonstrate firsthand experience with the topics you cover and show in-depth knowledge and credentials in your content area. Build authority through backlinks, mentions, and a strong online presence and promote transparency, accuracy, and a secure website to gain the trust of your clients.
    I've been hearing a lot about EEAT and would love to try it!
    Anurag Mehta
    These days, ensuring your website's mobile-friendliness and optimizing for voice search seems to be where it's at. Thoughts? @hamza_afzal_butt
    pSEO with good internal linking has been huge for me... wasn't seeing the benefits of the pSEO until I layered on a systematic internal linking strategy. 10x in average daily impressions.
    Michal Kaczor
    @duffdevone Hi Murph, could you elaborate on the internal linking strategy? Also curious to hear more how you're utilising programmatic SEO. Thanks!
    @therealkaczor totally. So its an analytics tool for a niche sport . Basically we have historical competition results for thousands of athletes and competitions. Lends itself naturally to pSEO in that each individual athlete and each individual competition has its own unique url. I thought, great, ill have tens of thousands of pages and start trawling for long tail keywords... But despite everything being on a sitemap, google was not barely scratching the surface indexing and the organic reach was muddling along. The unlock was realizing these pages were completely orphaned (ty ahrefs). You could search or scroll to find something specific, but there was no pathway for organic discovery. I added widgets with "Similar Athletes" to the athlete pages, and built out links to individual athletes on the competition pages. You (and search engine crawlers!) could now browse the site infinitely hopping from linked page to linked page. Literally went from 100 impressions/day to 1000 impressions per day in less than a week after I deployed the changes. Instead of ranking for ~50 keywords, now ~500. Also this was all done with React and rendered client side. No SSR, hydrating, or any special considerations. Google bot seems to handle the JS just fine.
    Charlotte Combes
    I’ve been focusing on quality content and user experience. It’s amazing how much better my rankings have gotten just by making sure my site is useful and easy to navigate.
    Adam Gold
    I am focusing on quality blog content, not generated by AI! 🤖
    Stick to the SEO basics that will always work
    David Grunwald
    A smooth, fast website experience is crucial. If your site is easy to navigate and loads quickly, it’s definitely helping my SEO.