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  • Share effective techniques for streamlining your daily tasks and managing your time efficiently!

    Shaur ul Asar
    30 replies


    Nick Anisimov
    Take on the most nerve-wracking tasks first.
    Geri Máté
    Eisenhower Matrix when I have tasks with different levels of importance. When I have a bunch of repeatable tasks or huge tasks ahead of me, I try to break them down into daily tasks, schedule time frames when I do these things
    Irina Ivashchinenko
    I start with the simplest tasks and gradually work on the most difficult ones, and at the very end, I do the rest of the tasks.
    Driven by next weekly milestone for product development or marketing!
    Ksenia Govorun
    I start my day with BAU tasks & then move according to the priorities. Try making estimates on how much time the tasks might take & split big tasks into smaller chunks of work. Use Trello to organize my tasks + my calendar.
    Martin Baun
    Me and my team classify tasks with "Doing, To Do, Important," etc. If I have 3 or 4 tasks a day I'll first sort with "Important" and finish those, than doing ones and so on. This way I know what I am doing, what is more important and also manging my time in the best way! By the way we our self are using bad project management which is taking a lot of our time and as a reason of this we are developing and going live soon with CompanyQueen.com as a project management tool for all teams suffering out there from bad PM. Stay focused and use the best solution to make your work easier and elegant.
    Notion Bae
    I have a database in Notion where I list my 3 MITs (most important tasks) for the day, as well as a database that lists all other tasks. One column of the database is "Estimated Time" where I tell myself how much time the task should take in hours. This is because I am trying to design my life in a way where I only work X amount of hours per day or per week. These databases have really helped so far!
    Prashasti Pankaj
    Color code and time bound the task based on priority. This helps you finish in a much organised way with less errors. Ps: Don’t set unrealistic time bounds. This will make you prone to error. Give time for reviewing the tasks that you’ve done as well
    Jesse Gildesgame
    #1 tip: try to do as a little as possible. If it's automatable, automate it. If it's not your company's focus area, outsource it. Delegate as much as possible. Time is the most precious resource for any founder. Founders especially need to focus on growth and what they know best. Back-office stuff like internal IT, HR, legal, accounting -- outsource it. Anything that needs to be in-house, that doesn't 100% need to be you: find someone else to do it. Focus, focus, focus.
    Bryan McAnulty
    1. Plan what you are doing tomorrow the night before. 2. Batch meetings/calls into certain days so you don't interrupt creative work. 3. Don't check email all day. Once in the morning, once at end of work day at the most. 4. Track the actual time you spend working (it is likely less than you think). No need for complex tools. 5. When you can afford it, hire a team to help and delegate tasks that aren't your core focus.
    Shajedul Karim
    one thing i've found helpful? time blocking. split day into chunks dedicated to specific tasks. it's a fight against context switching, the true productivity killer. remember to schedule in breaks. counterintuitive, yes. effective, absolutely. time for the mind to wander fuels creativity, prevents burnout. delegate when you can. can't stress this enough. it's not about doing it all, but doing what matters, what you're best at. embracing automation is a game-changer too. small tasks repeated daily? there's probably a tool for that. saving minutes daily compounds quickly. and most importantly? allow space for spontaneity. life isn't just a to-do list. sprinkle in moments for joy, surprise, wonder. makes every day a bit richer.
    Armin Nehzat
    I recently started planning my day using this ChatGPT powered personal assistant https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x... The problem I has before is that I would remember something that needed to be done & then I would forget by the time I had taken out my phone to type. Now I simply have a home shortcut that I can talk to. The app has a lot of build in AI that determines if it's a notes or a task that needs to be scheduled. I can also use it to ask questions like "What do I have planned for Friday next week?" Talking is by far the best UI & qwerki gets that right...
    Rahul Luthra
    My biggest breakthrough has been time-boxing, I tend to spend too much time on a single task and get carried away more often than not. Timeboxing has definitely been a lifesaver in that regard, especially when I have so many different tasks. I have also started blocking my calendars with exact time stamps of tasks the night before, which helps me be accountable when I get that notification and I have to think less about what I should do next.
    I go with the below flow: 1) High-priority and most important tasks. 2) High-priority and least important tasks. 3) Low-priority and most important tasks. 4) Low-priority and least important tasks. A few pointers besides that: 1) I usually plan my week ahead. 2) I make a checklist for every day the day before. 3) I will revise my work every week if not every day or so. This should give anyone clarity on how they want to plan their days.
    Marilena Nikou
    I organize the tasks by importance, start my day with the most important ones and when I feel I get tired I switch to the easy ones, then back to the important ones. I also try to have the meetings during specific times and not spread them during the day as I get distracted
    We have daily meetings that last about ~20 mins, where we cover our tasks for the day. It helps a lot because you are constantly on track. For any bigger plannings we schedule a 1hr call where we plan everything for the next month
    Here are some effective techniques that I got to know. (Even though I'm not using all of these but I just know about it haha) Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks as urgent and important, helping you focus on what matters most. Break down big tasks into smaller chunks and schedule time frames to work on them. Start with the simplest tasks and gradually work on the most difficult ones. Prioritize and take on the most nerve-wracking tasks first. Use a Pomodoro timer to maintain focus and productivity. Plan your day the night before, and time-block your schedule for specific tasks. Delegate tasks that are not your core focus to others when possible. Embrace automation to handle repetitive tasks efficiently. Time block your day to minimize context switching and allow for breaks to prevent burnout. Utilize tools like a personal assistant or time management app to stay organized and remember tasks. Time-box your tasks to limit the time spent on each task. Use talking as a user interface to interact with tools and manage tasks effectively. Use time-boxing to prevent spending too much time on a single task and create a sense of urgency. Plan your week ahead and make a checklist for each day the night before. Organize tasks by importance and start the day with the most important ones. Have daily meetings to cover tasks for the day and stay on track. Schedule bigger planning sessions to map out tasks for the month. These techniques can help you become more organized, focused, and productive in managing your daily tasks and time efficiently.
    Kunal Mehta
    Streamlining daily tasks and time management are crucial for productivity. Some effective techniques include prioritizing tasks, using time-blocking, and leveraging productivity tools. Additionally, adopting the two-minute rule for quick tasks and delegating when possible can make a significant difference. Remember, continuous improvement is key! If you're launching a product or need more personalized advice, connect with me on Product Hunt. I'd be glad to support you in your journey to optimize productivity. Let's connect and stay productive together!