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  • Sharing my learnings building a tech product ♥️

    André Casal
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    If you're new here, I'm André, a tech entrepreneur and founder of LaunchFast, a stack that helps web developers build in a weekend that it would take them 2 months. I post daily updates on my progress from 0€ to 10k€ by the end of 2024. ------------------------------- Here’s what got done today: 1. Learned how to use http://senja.io to obtain testimonials 2. Asked the devs I showed LaunchFast to, to leave a testimonial 3. Read the entire http://first100users.com and made a todo list based on it 4. Created the Product Hunt prelaunch page Learned how to use http://senja.io to obtain testimonials Before today I did not know about http://senja.io. They make it really easy to ask for feedback (just share a link) and to show those testimonials on your website (just inject a script and an HTML tag). Then, they give you this nice dashboard where you can approve, reject or delete testimonials. They also allow you to manually import testimonials from 34 different websites and social media networks, including 𝕏, Product Hunt, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and many more. Like when someone says something nice about your product or service on 𝕏, you can just copy that post’s URL and import it into your testimonial wall. The cards are also well designed. And it’s free. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t knew about this before. It’s a great product! Asked the devs I showed LaunchFast to, to leave a testimonial I’ve got 2 testimonials at the moment, but all devs said they would leave a review, so hopefully I’ll get around 8 🙏 After I do another improvement iteration on the product, I’ll continue to invite developers to try LaunchFast out. But this time I will look for developers building something right now, so they can test LaunchFast in a real-world scenario. Read the entire http://first100users.com and made a todo list based on it http://first100users.com has a little over 100 tips for getting your first 100 users. I’ve made a list with all of the tips and strategies they share and categorized them as content creation, cold outreach, and helping people out. - Content created I will either way, because I need to create the documentation for the product. - Cold outreach I might do after the product launches on Product Hunt. - Helping people out I try to do every single day. Just because I like it. Created the Product Hunt prelaunch page 🎉 I’ve read 3 articles on how to successfully launch a product on Product Hunt. The best article is the one from Product Hunt themselves. But to be frank, there’s not much to it, it’s just common sense: 1. Create a pre-launch page with good copy, images, and genuine first comment 2. Don’t buy upvotes 3. Promote your pre-launch page. People can hit the “notify me” button to upvote you when you launch 4. Be nice to people, engage in conversations and be helpful I’d love to show you my pre-launch teaser page, but unfortunately it’s still awaiting moderation from the Product Hunt team. Today’s wins - Today I’ve learned you can quickly make a GIF using screenshots and http://ezgif.com. I made one to show how LaunchFast works for Product Hunt’s teaser page 🔥 - Today Elon Musk liked one of my posts ♥️ Can you tell I'm a fan? 😄 Today’s experiment Ok, so I wanted to be notified whenever a big tech account would post something on 𝕏 so I could reply quickly and get seen by my peers. If I enabled notifications for everyone, I’d be notified every 3 seconds, making it impossible to work productively. This meant disabling notifications for a lot of people I care about on 𝕏. I can still find them all in “Following”, but it forces me to scroll and actively search for them. Not receiving those notifications makes it considerably harder to know what my friends are doing. I think I’ll reenable notifications for all my friends, but, because there’s so many notifications, I’ll work in sprints: be social → focused execution → be social → focused execution. I can do this by enabling Focus Mode on macOS or just disabling notifications when I need to focus. Next steps 1. Keep looking for devs and testimonials 2. Keep engaging and helping people 3. Start registering LaunchFast on a list of 400+ websites 4. Promote the Product Hunt teaser page 5. Create a support group for the launch That’s it for today folks. I hope this was somehow useful 🙌😄
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