Starting a monthly newsletter for our ~300k subscribers - Share Your Ideas 💭

Musharof Chowdhury
8 replies
We have ~300K email subscribers across all Pimjo Labs brands I'm thinking of starting a monthly newsletter for developers, startups, and agencies (our main customer base) 💜 What content would you like to see if you're one of them? 🤔 Share your thoughts 💭


Content on "how to start an agency/startup and make it sustainable" would be awesome.
Launching soon!
Growth tips!
Elissa Craig
Our highest CTRs occur when we use newsletters to announce product updates or promote our latest blog posts!
Musharof Chowdhury
@elissa_craig Did You mean something like compiled updates of each month?
Elissa Craig
@musharofchy exactly. Just things we changed and improved
Oliver Harris
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