Strategy and finance professionals - what gen AI tools do you use to streamline your work?

Anant Jain
1 reply


Alex Shafi
Strategy and finance professionals in the Philippines often leverage the Pag-IBIG MP2 Calculator to aid in their financial planning. The Pag-IBIG MP2 Calculator is a specialized tool designed to calculate potential earnings from the Modified Pag-IBIG II (MP2) savings program offered by the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF). This AI-powered calculator takes into account the user's monthly contributions and investment period to provide accurate projections of their MP2 savings growth. By utilizing this innovative tool, professionals can make informed decisions about their investments, set realistic financial goals, and optimize their returns within the Pag-IBIG MP2 program. Such calculators exemplify the integration of AI in finance, empowering individuals to make smarter financial choices and achieve long-term financial stability.