Sundays on the Product Hunt are silent(?) BUT...
It is a very tiny observation and maybe I am wrong BUT anyway.
Weekends (so far from my research) are not so "successful" when it comes to launching products and upvoting for them.
Many people spend their time with families, (when the weather is good – they are outside), and they are less on LI whereas others usually reach out to people because of upvoting.
(Remember, LinkedIn is still a professional platform and people from business are more active there during the weekdays). Tho... it is becoming a Facebook a little bit. 😀
Discussions in the community are quite "alive" because it is not so time and energy-consuming activities as launching products.
(E.g. in April:
During weekends – winners have ~400 – 500 upvotes;
During weekdays – they needed to earn ~1,000 – 1,200 upvotes)
Launching products during the weekend = less competition but harder to reach out to upvoters.
Discussions = a great way to create an informal connection by engaging with the community.
What is your experience?
App Finder
App Finder
Sugar Free: Food Scanner
FuseBase /formerly Nimbus/