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  • Targeting experts when you are not, how would you do it?

    Jonathan Tahiry
    4 replies
    I am selling a solution to podcasters (experts), and through some market research and talk with them I confirmed that they mostly run through a monetization issue. So I have built a solution that’s suppose to solve that problem. But of course, now I need to get those experts engaging with my content on Social Media, but I don’t know what kinda content I should be building to attract their attention. If I talk about their issues, how credible could I be in for them? So the question are : 1) how would you do it? 2) what kinda content would you run to avoid getting roasted? Thanks 🙏🏽


    Neel Patel
    Didn’t quite get the question
    Jonathan Tahiry
    @neelptl2602 well, the question is, if you aren’t expert in sth let’s say real estate, but you came out with a solution to solve a particular problem that they facing. How would you market yourself to them, knowing that they could think you are an imposter?
    Shajedul Karim
    it’s tricky but doable. since you're solving their monetization issue, start there. share content about common monetization challenges and your solution's benefits. include testimonials or case studies from podcasters who've used your solution. focus on being helpful rather than an expert. share tips, industry news, trends. avoid making claims you can't back up. stick to what your product does and how it helps. maybe even collaborate with a known podcaster for content credibility. what do you guys think? how would you engage experts on social media?
    Jonathan Tahiry
    @shajedulkarim_ wow love your answer 🙏🏽 thanks