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  • Tech Sales TR Community - New Way

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    Hi there, I am a founder of the Tech Sales Turkey (techsalestr.com) community. We are focused on the tech and software sales area, similar to Revgenius but only open to the Turkish people. I will move to Portugal in February and I changed my community and I want to every people can join us. I am interested in travel, digital nomad and also creating digital products and content in this area. My question is related to our community's future. I have 2 ideas. The first idea focuses on Travel and nomad lifestyle and Tech sales and the new name is Tech Sales Travel the second idea is especially will focus on the EMEA region tech sales area Every people can join us. The name will be might be Tech Sales Trick. What do you suggest, which community topics are interesting? Normally I am a full-time Sales Enablement manager but in the new year, I want to help startups with tech sales hiring, new employee onboarding, online learning, and affiliate marketing. So I want to build continue a community and try to earn money with projects.
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