Tell me what suck about invoicing - suggestions for invoicing app

Tade Adamjak
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Hello Makers, TL;DR - working on an invoicing app for freelancers, and would love your input and suggestions. - What are the biggest pain points/issues you are experiencing as a freelancer/maker regarding invoicing and payments? - What features would you need to have in an invoicing app? - What features would you like to have in an invoicing app? Bit of a context I am working for a mobile and web invoicing app for small businesses. We plan to focus on freelancers and prepare features to solve some of the problems, but I need to identify and prioritize them first. I am hoping to gather as much feedback and suggestions from freelancers as possible. One of the pain points I identified is: - Getting paid on time - I suppose we all know this - the hassle of chasing the late payers one by one. We could solve this with automatic payment reminders If you have any feedback you are willing to share, I would love to hear it. Thank you for your help
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