The Catch-22 of Busy Entrepreneurs: Seeking a Platform to Share Idea Without Giving It All Away

Laurent Malka
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Hey Product Hunters! 🚀 I'm in a bit of a pickle and I'm sure I'm not the only one here. As an entrepreneur deeply invested in a startup, my hands are full, yet my brain doesn't stop churning out potentially game-changing ideas. Here’s the catch-22: I'd love to see these ideas developed, but I also want to retain some ownership. Is there a platform that supports this kind of model? Something that allows busy entrepreneurs to plant the seeds of their ideas and watch them grow, while still holding on to a piece of the pie? Think of it as crowdsourcing innovation while keeping a stake in the outcome. If such a platform doesn't exist, then congratulations to all you savvy builders and developers—I've just served you a freebie on a silver platter! Perhaps it's something for the likes of !acquiredotcom or other startup/product marketplaces to consider. Let's brainstorm and maybe even poke a bit of fun at my expense. Who knows? This discussion could be the seed for the next big thing. Let’s hear your thoughts! @JoshBuckley @rrhoover – what do you guys think? Could this be a new frontier for platforms like yours?
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