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  • The Lessons I Learned While Building BITHUB

    Mohamed Zakarya
    10 replies
    - Persistence pays off: -- Building a startup is a marathon, not a sprint. There were times when I felt like giving up, but I kept pushing forward. It wasn't always easy, but the rewards have been worth it. - Focus on the user: -- Building a product that people love is essential. I spent a lot of time listening to user feedback, iterating on the product, and improving the user experience. - Embrace change: -- The startup world moves quickly, and it's important to be able to pivot and adapt to new situations. Sometimes this means changing your business model, launching a new product, or expanding into a new market. - Build a strong team: -- Building a successful startup is a team effort. I couldn't have done it alone. It's important to hire people who are passionate, driven, and share your vision for the company. - Don't be afraid to ask for help: -- As a founder, it can be tempting to try to do everything yourself. But there are times when you need to ask for help. Whether it's from a mentor, advisor, or friend, don't be afraid to seek guidance when you need it.


    Claudio Chimienti
    Great lessons! Good luck on your launch!
    Very good points, wishing you more success in the future :)
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @sandradjajic Thank you for your wishes Sandra! :)
    Omid Mousavi
    what is your experience with setting up the sales team?
    Mohamed Zakarya
    @omid_mousavi it required some work to successfully set it up. First of all, we had to choose candidates who were good at understanding people and their emotions so they can be able to communicate well. Then we made sure that those candidates learn everything about our product and we even included them in our sprints and standups. By then, they were ready to sell.
    That's why we call this entrepreneurship! A successful startup must obtain these features in its entrepreneur.