mdmridha riaz

Thor: Love and Thunder 2022 FuLLMovie Free Online On 123movies


Don’t miss! Where to Watch Thor: Love and Thunder Online Thor: Love and Thunder is largely successful in honoring Thor's long journey towards self-actualization and rarely falters while keying into the crackling chemistry between leads Chris Hemsworth Natalie Portman and Tessa Thompson. It's essentially the MCU's first romantic comedy and plays with those tropes in delightful ways. But while Thor and Jane's relationship is handled well Love and Thunder is less deft -- and a lot safer than you'd expect -- in pushing the greater MCU story forward. Christian Bale's Gorr feels underutilized and Tessa Thompson's King Valkyrie takes a frustrating back seat especially as the movie goes on. ✬WATCH HERE✬ ➤➤ Thor: Love and Thunder Streaming Online ✬DOWNLOAD NOW✬ ➤➤ After Multiverse of Madness Thor Love & Thunder felt like a light movie a lovely comedic & adventure movie. For me personally there was way too much comedy. On the other side they brought up some sentimental moments with Thor & Mighty Thor which I liked. The pace of the movie was good didn't feel rushed for a second. I wouldn't say it's a bad movie when you think about the cast alone with their latest additions: Russell Crowe Matt Damon & the myth the legend the GOAT Christian Bale !!!! I still think the 1st two Thor movies weren't good and the latest movies were much better. Christian Bale as Gorr The God Butcher was amazing. The highlight for me was that they didn't do him dirty. I wasn't a fan of his design as Gott but his performance distracted me from that and I'm grateful they didn't cgi'd his face. I hope we get to see more of the character since it's multiverse time. Unfortunately the character building was a bit unchallenged and I do know he has a lot more story to tell. Gorr is a fantastic and threatening villain.

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