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  • Thoughts on AI dating apps?

    Richard Reis
    14 replies
    Just launched one. I know they're VERY popular, but also controversial. Most are focused on instant gratification, while some (like Replika and my own) are focused on building a more long-term, healthy connection. You need a bit of both (just like real relationships, and we saw that in the movie "Her"). So I'd love to hear your thoughts on where that sweet spot is!


    Benson Xu
    One pian point is let someone talking with your avatar and Ai help pick best from it
    Luna Green
    I want AI to help people practice how to handle intimate relationships in various situations, including what they should do and what they shouldn’t do. Facing their feelings honestly is something that most people need to learn.
    Max Zhang
    I see where you're coming from with the balance between instant connection and long-term bonding in AI relationships. While platforms like Replika are great for emotional support, I'm not entirely convinced that the same approach translates well to dating. The quick, decisive nature of dating might not mesh with AI interactions. As for monetization, I suspect the gaming model might not be the most effective for this particular app.
    Eric Lens
    I’m not sure if AI dating apps can replace the genuine connection you get from meeting someone in person. What do you think?
    Lonny Shatzel
    AI dating apps could be a gem for people who struggle with traditional dating.
    Brandon Linn
    The concept of AI dating apps is intriguing. I wonder how effective they are at avoiding common dating pitfalls.
    Nathan Covey
    Bad for society
    Beatrice Cromwell
    AI could be great for improving communication between people. helping users understand each other's communication styles early on could really lead to better, more meaningful relationships.
    Lara Bishop
    I think AI dating apps can be great for people who need help breaking the ice. But I agree with it’s about finding a balance between instant gratification and helping people form genuine connections
    Susie Johns
    The idea of combining AI with dating makes sense, especially if the goal is to nurture long term relationships. Finding that balance between fun and depth is crucial, and if you nail it, your app could really stand out.
    Kenneth Ray
    I appreciate your focus on healthy connections. It’s a crowded market, but I believe there’s a real demand for apps that prioritize meaningful interactions. Good luck with your launch!
    Martin Peters
    I think AI can really enhance dating by helping people connect on a deeper level. It’ll be interesting to see how your app differentiates itself in this space!
    Magnolia Morgan
    Honestly, AI can play a big rlse in matching people based on deeper compatibility, not just surface level preferences. If your app does that, it could make a huge difference in the dating space.
    Christian Neal
    I think AI dating apps have potential, but it’s tricky. You need to use AI to enhance the experience, not replace the emotional and human elements of dating