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  • Three main mistakes startup founders make.

    giorgi khatiashvili
    8 replies


    Andrew C.
    they try to save money and do it all by themselves
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    1. developing a product without a user 2. designing a business plan without the customer (economic buyer) 3. following startup/entrepreneurship cargo cult.
    Andrew C.
    usually coz they have trust issues
    Nathan Covey
    1. Choosing wrong co-founders 2. Building something nobody wants 3. Spend too much money too early
    Benjamin Lewis Anderson
    Facts. Big mistakes I see all the time: 1) Building something nobody wants cause you didn't talk to enough users first. 2) Having a biz model that doesn't match how customers actually buy. 3) Falling for the hype and doing stuff cause other startups are vs what makes sense for your biz. Nailed it with those 3 points!
    Mia Charlotte Anderson
    Totally agree with your top 3 mistakes! A few other common ones I've seen: 4) Chasing funding before nailing product-market fit 5) Hiring too fast without validating roles 6) Neglecting to build relationships with potential advisors/mentors early on. Avoiding these pitfalls can really boost a startup's odds of success imho.