Top Tips for Entrepreneurs: What's Your Best Advice?

Hamza Afzal Butt
6 replies
Starting a business is an exciting journey filled with challenges and triumphs. As an entrepreneur, what's the one piece of advice you wish you had when you started? Whether it's about finding the right market fit, managing your time, building a team, or navigating the ups and downs, let's share our most valuable lessons and insights. What strategies have you found to be the most effective? What pitfalls should new entrepreneurs avoid? Share your wisdom and let's help each other succeed!


Aayushi Singh
"Get to know your users. Is this is something they really want?" Figure this out first
Ghulam Abbas
Test your idea with a minimum viable product (MVP) before scaling. Prioritize tasks that drive growth and avoid distractions. Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, and supportive peers. Learn from mistakes and use them as stepping stones. Conduct thorough research to know your audience and competition. Stay resilient through challenges and keep pushing forward. Be flexible and ready to pivot when necessary. Keep a close eye on your budget and expenses. Deliver exceptional value and service to your customers. Keep your passion and vision at the forefront of your journey
Hakim Zerhouni
Focus on solving a real problem for your customers and stay adaptable to market feedback and changes.
CY Zhou
Stay adaptable and always be ready to pivot when necessary. Focus on solving real problems for your customers, and success will follow.
No idea is born fully formed so you always need to be open to adapting